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Have you ever watched a film and looked “BEHIND THE CAMERAS”?
What I mean by that is this:
You watching a scary movie. It makes you glued to the screen…
There is a big forest on the screen...
They put on scary music…
Misty lights…
Birds fly by in front of the camera very quickly, to make you jump!
They change cameras and camera angles fast…
But what you REALLY see, is just a forest…
When you can “turn off” all that NOISE…
It is just a forest…
With all its beauty…
You can imagine the scene without the effects whilst still watching the scary movie, can`t you?
You don`t have to switch off the telly for you to be able to do that, do you?
Same in life…
Sometimes we just have to switch off all the noise… Our own noise, that is…
We are the ones putting on the scary music for ourselves…
But when you see that…
You can look “BEHIND THE CAMERAS” any time…
Because you are the director…
You decide when the birds should start to sing instead of the scary music….
And once you did that, you will see, the scary movie isn`t that scary after all...
If you prefer your life to be a fairy tale instead of a scary movie, switch off the noise… Not sure how to? Let`s have a chat… It is simpler than you think!
Let`s stop being at mercy of our cameras... the one which holds all the information as to how your screen "should" look like...